SB512 1 2011US Seagate Genetec Solutions Brief Final

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Solution Brief

Building an Efficient and
Cost-Effective Video
Management Solution
Seagate® delivers unified video management with Genetec!" Security Center

Solution Summary
The Genetec!" unified security platform combined with Seagate enterprise storage system's Exos® X delivers a centralized storage solution that supports multiple concurrent video streaming with the highest data protection for your surveillance deployment.

Benefits Summary
" Optimized streaming by delivering high bandwidth in saving video recordings with higher frame rates without losing a single frame
" ADAPT data protection
" First to market with the highest capacity for the increasing demand of surveillance storage, and provides longer retention periods for both video and static images without data loss
" Encryption to keep your data safe even if your drives are lost, stolen,
or misplaced
" Deliver high bandwidth to allow more video recording devices with higher frame rate
" Enable longer retention period of both video and static images without data loss
" Allow centralized VMS management to store and manage the recorded videos from a distributed implementation
" Genetec!" Security Center offers unified video management, access control, ALPR, intrusion, and communications in a single user interface. It allows you to centralize your operations and make sense out of your security data.

Terabytes of data can easily be generated from high demand VMS applications; in return,
users need a scalable, centralized shared storage solution like a SAN (Storage Area
Network) for their VMS rather than an all-inone solution that has limitations, such as an
NVR or VMS appliance.
Video Management System (VMS) is an integral part of the entire organization's security deployment plan.
The VMS acts as a point of aggregation for all of the sensors and IP cameras on premise or location.
Video surveillance in today's world has gone beyond security, requiring that the VMS be responsible for many roles such as helping to generate more ROI for the organization investing in such a solution.
Video recordings no longer sit idle waiting for event

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