Earphones with Remote and Mic - Support - Apple

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with Remote and Mic

Congratulations on purchasing the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic.
To use the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic,
plug them into a supported iPod, iPhone, or iPad and insert the earphones in your ears.

Volume up
Center button
Volume down

You can use the earphones with these models:
ÂÂ iPod shuffle (3rd generation or later)
ÂÂ iPod nano (4th generation or later)
ÂÂ iPod classic (120GB and 160GB)
ÂÂ iPod touch (2nd generation or later)
ÂÂ iPhone 3GS
ÂÂ iPhone 4
ÂÂ iPad

2 English

Important: Not all features listed below are supported by all models. Check your product s user guide for more information.

Do this

Play or pause a songÂ
or video

Press the center button once. Press again to resume playback.

Skip to the next songÂ
or chapter

Press the center button twice quickly.


Press the center button twice quickly and hold.

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