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iPod shuffle ??????? - Support - Apple
iPod shuffle ??????? - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod shuffle 2 1 3 iPod huffle s 2 4 4 5 6 8 iPod huffle s iPod shuffle iPod shuffle iPod shuffle 10 10 11 14 15 iPod huffle s iTunes iTunes 3

iPad ???????? - Support - Apple
iPad ???????? - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPad ‘͉N§TÁOá`ocSW g,0 ‘͉N§TÁOá`ocSW0 ST+[‰Qh0dÍOYtSÊVÞe60vÑ{¡TŒoNö‹¸Sï‹ÁOá `oÿ NåSÊ iPad v„N^tg –POÝOî0 Y‚gœgåb~0 iPad Ou(bKQŒ0 N-v„VÞe60YtSÊQvNÖs¯OÝOá`oÿ ‹÷‹¿•îÿ ±  u( iPad NKRMÿ ‹÷QH–‹ûN —bv„b@g [‰QhOá`oTŒdÍOc[üÿ Nå O QMS×R0O$[³0g Qs‹æ~Æv„dÍOc[üÿ ‹÷–‹û iPad N v„0 iPad Ou( bKQŒ0 ÿ e¹lÕf/‹¿•î help.appl

iPad Wazne informacje o produkcie - Support - Apple
iPad Wazne informacje o produkcie - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPad Wa|ne informacje o produkcie Broszura Wa|ne informacje o produkcie zawiera informacje o bezpieczeDstwie, obsBudze, pozbywaniu si i utylizacji odpadów, informacje prawne i licencj na oprogramowanie oraz jednoroczn, ograniczon gwarancj na iPada. Inne informacje dotyczce [rodowiska naturalnego mo|na znalez w Podrczniku u|ytkownika iPada pod adresem / / ± Z  anim u|yjesz iPada, przeczytaj wszystkie poni|sze informacje

Color 1.5 - Support - Apple
Color 1.5 - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Color User Manual Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Final Cut Studio software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services. The Apple log

Logic Studio Installing Your Software Upgrade - Support
Logic Studio Installing Your Software Upgrade - Support
27/11/2014 -
1 Installing Your Software This booklet is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible with Logic Studio. The following is covered: Â About the Logic Studio Box  on page 2. Â About Onscreen Help  on page 4. Â Upgrading Mac OS X and QuickTime  on page 5. Â Installing Logic Studio  on page 6. Â Installing Content  on page 9. Â Registering Logic Studio  on page 11. Â Contacting AppleCare Service and Support  on page 12. Please ensure that you also review the Befo

iPod nano Guide de l'utilisateur - Support - Apple
iPod nano Guide de l'utilisateur - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod nano Guide de l utilisateur 1 Table des matières Chapitre 1 Fonctions de base de l iPod nano Vue d ensemble de l iPod nano Utilisation des commandes de l iPod nano Utilisation des menus de l iPod nano À propos du haut-parleur interne de l iPod nano Connexion et déconnexion de l iPod nano À propos de la batterie de l iPod nano Chapitre 2 20 21 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 30 31 32 33 33 34 36 Configuration de l iPod nano Configuration de votre bibliothèque iTunes Importation d

iPad Guide de l'utilisateur - Support - Apple
iPad Guide de l'utilisateur - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPad Guide de l utilisateur Pour le logiciel iOS 6.1 Table des matières 7 7 8 9 11 12 Chapitre 1 : /Vue d ensemble de l iPad 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 18 Chapitre 2 : /Démarrage 19 19 22 24 28 29 30 31 33 33 35 35 36 37 Chapitre 3 : /Notions élémentaires 38 38 39 42 42

iPod classic användarhandbok - Support - Apple
iPod classic användarhandbok - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod classic Användarhandbok 2 Innehåll Kapitel 1 4 5 5 8 9 11 14 Grundläggande om iPod classic iPod classic i överblick Använda reglagen på iPod classic Avaktivera iPod classic-reglagen Använda menyerna på iPod classic Ansluta och koppla från iPod classic Om iPod classic-batteriet Kapitel 2 16 16 17 21 21 22 25 32 33 33 Musikfunktioner Om iTunes Importera musik till iTunes-biblioteket Ordna din musik Använda Genius i iTunes Lägga till musik och podcaster på iPod classic Spe

AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad - Support
AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad - Support
27/11/2014 -
AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad Getting Started Guide Contents 5 English 39 Français 59 Deutsch 81 Español 99 Italiano 117 Svenska 133 Suomi 151 Dansk 167 Nederlands 185 Norsk 201 Português AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad Fact Sheet Service and support from the people who know your iPad best The AppleCare Protection Plan for iPad extends the complimentary coverage on your iPad to up to two years1 of world-class support. The plan provides access to iPad expe

Nike + iPod Sensor - ?? ??? 2011. 10. 12 - 2 ... - Support
Nike + iPod Sensor - ?? ??? 2011. 10. 12 - 2 ... - Support
27/11/2014 -
Nike + iPod Sensor Nike + iPod a^”Vh Nike + iPod aaÉVh Nike + iPod Á

Using Xserve RAID and Disk Utility (Manual) - Support - Apple
Using Xserve RAID and Disk Utility (Manual) - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Xserve RAID Using RAID Admin and Disk Utility Includes instructions for creating RAID arrays and monitoring Xserve RAID systems K Apple Computer, Inc. © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other cou

MacBook Air - Support - Apple
MacBook Air - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
>74@02;O5740=K 4@C3 4;O 4@C30. =0:>5==0O :0:>=D5@5=F88 A 4@C7LO9 B>G:5 AB@ A>45@683> :>ILN Cover Flow. !?@02:0 Mac finder MacBook Air "@5:?04 Multi-Touch @>;8ABK209B5 D09;K 8 87>1@065=8O, 87< 740209B5 @575@2=K5 :>?88. KAB@K9 ?@>AB@ KAB@> ?@>A

Compressor 2 ??? - Apple
Compressor 2 ??? - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Compressor 2 Compressor Compressor 2 DVD Studio Pro 4 Compressor 2 2 Final Cut Studio Compressor 2 Apple Qmaster 2 Dolby Digital Professional AC-3 Compressor DVD Studio Pro 4 Dolby Digital Professional Digital Professional Final Cut Studio Dolby DVD-Video Dolby Compressor 2 DVD 1 AC-3 5.1 AC-3 AC-3 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 QuickTime 1 Compressor  PAL NTSC NTSC

iMac G3 (Original) User Manual - Support - Apple
iMac G3 (Original) User Manual - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
4-0938.UMpos 9/28/99 1:50 PM Page 1 After you ve set up your iMac and followed the onscreen guide to register your computer and set up an Internet account and e-mail address, what s next? Read this booklet to learn more about using your iMac: 2 4 6 12 18 20 24 Features Basics Internet and e-mail Software Installing memory and an AirPort Card Learning more and solving problems Ergonomic and safety information 1 4-0938.UMpos 9/28/99 1:50 PM Page 2 What are the features of my iMac? Your

iWork Guide de l'utilisateur des formules et des ... - Support
iWork Guide de l'utilisateur des formules et des ... - Support
27/11/2014 -
iWork Guide de l utilisateur des formules et des fonctions KKApple Inc. © 2009 Apple Inc. Tous droits réservés. Ce manuel est soumis aux lois sur le droit d auteur et ne peut être copié, totalement ou partiellement, sans le consentement écrit d Apple. Vos droits concernant le logiciel sont régis par le contrat de licence qui l accompagne. Apple, le logo Apple, iWork, Keynote, Mac, Mac OS, Numbers et Pages sont des marques d Apple Inc. déposées aux États-Unis et dans d autres p

Guide de l'administrateur de Mac OS X Server - Support
Guide de l'administrateur de Mac OS X Server - Support
27/11/2014 -
øÿ Guide de l administrateur de Mac OS X Server Informations sur le fonctionnement du logiciel Mac OS X Server et sur les stratégies d application à votre réseau K Apple Computer Inc. © 2001 Apple Computer Inc. Tous droits réservés. En application des lois de droits d auteur en vigueur, aucune reproduction totale ou partielle du présent document n est autorisée, sauf consentement écrit préalable d Apple. Le logo Apple est une marque d Apple Computer Inc. déposée aux États-

Lion Server Upgrading and Migrating - Support - Apple
Lion Server Upgrading and Migrating - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Lion Server Upgrading and Migrating For Mac OS X v10.7 Lion Server KKApple Inc. © 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Adobe and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Mac OS X Lion Server software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid

Logic Studio Installation de votre logiciel - Support - Apple
Logic Studio Installation de votre logiciel - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Logic Studio Installation de votre logiciel K Apple Inc. Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. Tous droits réservés. Vos droits sur le logiciel sont régis par le contrat de licence du logiciel. Le propriétaire ou l utilisateur autorisé d une copie valide du logiciel Logic Studio peut reproduire cette publication à des ûns d apprentissage dudit logiciel. Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni transmise à des ûns commerciales, telles que la vente de copies de cette p

iMac - Support - Apple
iMac - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iMac Guide d informations importantes sur le produit Ce Guide d informations importantes sur le produit contient des informations relatives à la sécurité, à la manipulation, à la mise au rebut et au recyclage, à la réglementation et à la licence logicielle, ainsi que la garantie limitée d un an de votre iMac. Il se peut que le modèle d iMac dont vous disposez ne pas prenne en charge toutes les fonctionnalités décrites dans le présent document. ± A  fin d éviter toute b

DVD Studio Pro 4 : Installation de votre logiciel - Support
DVD Studio Pro 4 : Installation de votre logiciel - Support
27/11/2014 -
F42938INS Page 1 Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:41 PM Installation de votre logiciel Les informations ci-après vous permettent d utiliser rapidement DVD Studio Pro et abordent les rubriques suivantes : Â À propos du contenu du coffret DVD Studio Pro (p. 2) Â À propos de l aide à l écran (p. 3) Â Mise à niveau de Mac OS X et de QuickTime (p. 4) Â Â Â Â Installation de DVD Studio Pro sur système Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) (p. 5) Installation de DVD Studio Pro sur système Mac OS X 10.4

AppleCare Protection Plan - Support
AppleCare Protection Plan - Support
27/11/2014 -
AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone Getting Started Guide Contents 5 English 31 Français 51 Deutsch 69 Nederlands AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone Fact Sheet Service and support from the people who know your iPhone best Every iPhone comes with one year of repair coverage and 90 days of technical support. The AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone extends your coverage to two years from the date of your iPhone purchase.1 Whether you use iPhone with a Mac or PC, just one phon

iPod shuffle Brugerhåndbog - Support - Apple
iPod shuffle Brugerhåndbog - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod shuffle Brugerhåndbog 2 Indholdsfortegnelse Kapitel 1 Om iPod shuffle Kapitel 2 5 5 6 7 9 iPod shuffle i grundtræk Kast et blik på iPod shuffle Bruge betjeningsmulighederne på iPod shuffle Tilslutte og afmontere iPod shuffle Oplade batteriet Kapitel 3 11 11 12 15 17 Indstille iPod shuffle Om iTunes Importere musik til iTunes-biblioteket Organisere musik Føje musik til iPod shuffle

iPad Important Product Information Guide - Support - Apple
iPad Important Product Information Guide - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPad Important Product Information Guide This Important Product Information Guide contains safety, handling, disposal and recycling, regulatory, and software license information, as well as the one-year limited warranty for iPad. Look for other environmental information in the iPad User Guide at: / / ± R  ead all safety information below and operating instructions before using iPad to avoid injury. For detailed operating instructions, read the iPad User Guid

Utilisation de votre MacBook Pro - Support - Apple
Utilisation de votre MacBook Pro - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 - Page 1 Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:03 PM MacBook Pro 17 pouces Guide de l utilisateur Contient des informations sur la configuration, l extension et le dépannage de votre MacBook Pro Page 2 Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:03 PM K Apple Computer, Inc. ©2006 Apple Computer, Inc. Tous droits réservés. En application des lois et conventions en vigueur, aucune reproduction totale ni partielle du manuel n est autorisée, sauf consentement écrit préalable d Apple. Apple

MacBook Pro Guía de información - Support - Apple
MacBook Pro Guía de información - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
MacBook Pro Guía de información importante del producto En la presente Guía de información importante del producto se incluye información sobre seguridad, manejo, desecho y reciclaje, normativa aplicable y licencia de software, así como la garantía limitada para su MacBook Pro de 13 pulgadas. Conserve la documentación como futura referencia. ± ADVERTENCIA: / /El incumplimiento de las siguientes  instrucciones de seguridad podría causar incendios, descargas eléctricas u otros

Numbers '08 User's Guide - Support - Apple
Numbers '08 User's Guide - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Numbers 08 User s Guide K Apple Inc. © 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleWorks, ColorSync, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Keynote, Mac, Mac OS, Numbers, Pages, Quartz, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Finder, i

Power Supply - Support - Apple
Power Supply - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Voeding ands Nederl AppleCare Instructies voor vervanging Volg de instructies in dit document nauwgezet. Als u dit niet doet, kan de apparatuur beschadigd raken en de garantie komen te vervallen. Opmerking: U kunt instructies op het internet vinden op Attentie : Houd kleine onderdelen uit de buurt van kinderen. Attentie : Onderdelen van de computer kunnen voorzien zijn van scherpe randen. Ga daarom voorzichtig te werk. Benodigd gereedschap Voor deze

Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics - Support
Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics - Support
27/11/2014 - Page 1 Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:44 AM Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics Includes instructions for using the remote diagnostics tool Page 2 Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:44 AM 2 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics Software You can use the Xserve Remote Diagnostics tool to test your server s hardware. The Xserve G5 system s diagnostic tool, Xserve Remote Diagnostics, performs several tests of the server hardware and creates a test report. You use a remote a

iMac G5 - Support - Apple
iMac G5 - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iMac G5 Ventilateur supérieur, modèle éducation Instructions de remplacement Suivez attentivement les instructions contenues dans cette fiche. Dans le cas contraire, vous prenez le risque d endommager votre équipement et d annuler sa garantie. Remarque : Des instructions sont disponibles en ligne à l adresse Outils nécessaires " Utilisez l'outil fourni ; un tournevis cruciforme n° 2 ou Torx 8 en fonction du type de vis utilisées. " Un ba

Apple LED Cinema Display - Support
Apple LED Cinema Display - Support
27/11/2014 -
Apple LED Cinema Display øÿ Apple Inc. © 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the keyboard  Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state

Logic Pro 8 Control Surfaces Support - Apple
Logic Pro 8 Control Surfaces Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Logic Pro 8 Control Surfaces Support øÿ Apple Inc. © 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software licence agreement. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the keyboard  Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of

iPhone 4S Deux doigts d'astuces - Support - Apple
iPhone 4S Deux doigts d'astuces - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Bienvenue dans l univers iPhone. Ce guide de démarrage rapide vous présente comment configurer votre iPhone et utiliser ses fonctionnalités principales. Commencez par allumer votre iPhone en maintenant enfoncé le bouton Marche/Arrêt pendant quelques secondes puis suivez les instructions à l écran pour configurer votre appareil. Deux doigts d astuces Marche/ Arrêt Marche/ Veille Les boutons. Pour éteindre ou redémarrer votre iPhone, maintenez le bouton Marche/Veille enfoncé penda

iPad Wichtige Produktinformationen - Support - Apple
iPad Wichtige Produktinformationen - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPad Wichtige Produktinformationen Das Dokument Wichtige Produktinformationen enthält Informationen zu Sicherheit, Nutzung, Entsorgung und Recycling, regulatorische Bestimmungen und Softwarelizenz sowie zur einjährigen Herstellergarantie für das iPad. Informationen zum Recycling, zur Entsorgung und zu anderen umweltrechtlichen Bestimmungen finden Sie im iPad-Benutzerhandbuch unter: / / ± L  esen Sie zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit die folgenden Sicherh

LiveType Benutzerhandbuch - Support - Apple
LiveType Benutzerhandbuch - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
LiveType 2 Benutzerhandbuch K Apple Inc. © 2005 Apple Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Ihre Rechte bezüglich der Software unterliegen dem beiliegenden Softwarelizenzvertrag. Der Eigentümer oder berechtigte Benutzer eines legalen Exemplars der Final Cut Studio-Software darf diese Veröffentlichung zum Zweck der Schulung in der Verwendung dieser Software vervielfältigen. Die Vervielfältigung oder Übertragung dieser Veröffentlichung, ganz oder teilweise, zu kommerziellen Zwecken, z. B. das We

MacBook Pro - Support - Apple
MacBook Pro - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Congratulations, you and your MacBook Pro were made for each other. Say hello to your MacBook Pro. Built-in iSight camera and iChat Video chat with friends and family anywhere in the world. Mac Help isight Finder Browse your files like you browse your music with Cover Flow. Mac Help finder MacBook Pro Multi-Touch trackpad Scroll through files, adjust images, and enlarge text using just your fingers. Scroll Swipe Pinch and zoom Rotate Mac Help trackpad Click any

Installing Your Soundtrack Pro Software -
Installing Your Soundtrack Pro Software -
27/11/2014 -
Installing Your Software The following information is intended to get you up and running as quickly as possible and covers the following: Â About the Contents of Your Soundtrack Pro Box (p. 2) Â About Onscreen Help (p. 3) Â Upgrading Mac OS X (p. 3) Â Installing Soundtrack Pro on a Mac OS X v10.3 (Panther) System (p. 4) Â Installing Soundtrack Pro on a Mac OS X v10.4 (Tiger) System (p. 5) Â Registering Soundtrack Pro (p. 7) Â Contacting AppleCare Support (p. 8) Be sure to also review the

GarageBand Jam Pack 2: Remix Tools Tips (Manual) - Apple
GarageBand Jam Pack 2: Remix Tools Tips (Manual) - Apple
27/11/2014 -
1 Tips for Using GarageBand Jam Pack 2: Remix Tools Instruments The GarageBand Jam Pack 2: Remix Tools package contains over 100 Software Instrument presets you can use to create remixes in a variety of contemporary genres. In addition to synthesizer instruments, Remix Tools includes Software Instruments in the following categories: " Drum kits, including kits based on classic Roland drum machines " Keyboard instruments for creating chordal riffs and pads " Sound Effects kits  you can use

MacBook Air - Support - Apple
MacBook Air - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Felicitaciones, tú y tu MacBook Air fueron hechos el uno para el otro. Favor de leer este instructivo antes de utilizar el equipo. Modelo: A1369 Bienvenido a su MacBook Air E/S Thunderbolt de alta velocidad Conecte dispositivos y pantallas de alto rendimiento. Cámara FaceTime integrada Realice videollamadas a los iPad, iPhone, iPod touch o Mac más recientes. Centro de ayuda thunderbolt Centro de ayuda facetime MacBook Air Hacer

Apple Server Diagnostics User Guide - Support
Apple Server Diagnostics User Guide - Support
27/11/2014 -
Apple Server Diagnostics User Guide For Version 3X106 KKApple Inc. © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the keyboard  Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in vi

iMac - Support - Apple
iMac - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Welcome to your new iMac. We d like to show you around. Dual microphones Let s get started When you start your iMac for the first time, Setup Assistant helps you get going. Just follow a few simple steps to quickly connect to your Wi-Fi network, transfer your stuff from another Mac or a PC, and create a user account for your iMac. FaceTime HD camera Headphone SD card slot USB 3 Thunderbolt Gigabit Ethernet You can also log in with your Apple ID, which allows you to shop the App Store,

iMac G5 (ALS, 20-inch) - Support - Apple
iMac G5 (ALS, 20-inch) - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iMac G5 20 #1 033-2490 Rev. A 1 #1 2 3 4 2 - iMac G5 20 1 Apple(") 2 3 / iMac G5 20 -3 3 4 / 5 #1 3 2

iPod Hi-Fi ???????? - Support - Apple
iPod Hi-Fi ???????? - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod Hi-Fi User s Guide Guide de l utilisateur Manual del usuario K Apple Computer, Inc. © 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AirMac, and iPod are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AirPort Express, iPod Hi-Fi, and MacBook are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Contents 5 iPod Hi-Fi User s Guide 29 53 iPod Hi-Fi Guide de l utilisateur 79 iPod Hi-Fi Manual del usuario 3 iPod Hi-Fi User s Guide Content

iPhone? ?? AppleCare Protection Plan - ?? ... - Support
iPhone? ?? AppleCare Protection Plan - ?? ... - Support
27/11/2014 -
AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone Getting Started Guide Contents 5 Fact Sheet 7 Quick Reference Guide 10 Terms and Conditions 23 N§TÁ‹ôfNf 25 _ëS€cSW 27 gak>TŒgaNö 36 hHQg[¹Šªf 38 _ëSÀcSW 40 hk>TŒhNö 50 ÉÀÆÐ °´Æ© 52 ¾`¹x Ì8Èp Á$º…Á

Soundtrack Pro User Manual - Ohio University
Soundtrack Pro User Manual - Ohio University
27/11/2014 -
Soundtrack Pro User Manual øÿ Apple Computer, Inc. © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of the keyboard  Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without the pri

iBook G4 - Support - Apple
iBook G4 - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 - Page 1 Friday, March 26, 2004 2:32 PM iBook G4 ² ( , i õ iBook G4 +* , ™oc ökæ² –  +Õ ,òq Page 2 Monday, March 29, 2004 10:03 AM K Apple Computer, Inc. © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc.  AF Q ‡ êd ø õ ‡ +I ,)Çà Apple „ ïam)†¨ +³ ,É+ q¬ Ó© ŠŠ Š + ¼ Aw ,d Apple WÁ b Apple Computer, Inc. ! É +'W ,  ô +IW , +½ˆ , y¬© Wd ]9 Ĺ Apple © „ ïam)€ ¬Ã

Soporte para superficies de control de Logic ... - Support
Soporte para superficies de control de Logic ... - Support
27/11/2014 -
Logic Express 8 Soporte para superficies de control øÿ Apple Inc. © 2007 Apple Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Bajo las leyes de copyright, este manual no puede copiarse, en su totalidad o en parte, sin el consentimiento por escrito de Apple. Los derechos del usuario en relación con el software están delimitados por el presente contrato de licencia de software. El logotipo de Apple es una marca comercial de Apple Inc., registrada en EE.UU. y en otros países. El uso del log

Magic Mouse - Support - Apple
Magic Mouse - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Magic Mouse Quick Start Your wireless Apple Magic Mouse comes with two AA batteries installed and uses Bluetooth® technology to connect to your Mac. Read these instructions to set up your mouse with a new Mac, replace your USB mouse, pair your mouse with a different Mac, and replace the batteries. Updating Your Software To use your Apple Magic Mouse and its full range of features, update your Mac to Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or later and install the Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0; or up

iPod - Support - Apple
iPod - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
iPod Funktionshandbuch 1 Inhalt Kapitel 1 iPod - Grundlagen Der iPod im Überblick Bedienelemente und Tasten des iPod Deaktivieren der iPod Tasten Verwenden der iPod Menüs Herstellen und Trennen der iPod Verbindung zum Computer Informationen zur iPod Batterie Kapitel 2 16 16 17 21 22 26 33 34 35 Musikfunktionen iTunes Importieren von Musik auf Ihren Computer Verwalten Ihrer Musik Laden von Musiktiteln und Podcasts auf den iPod Abspielen von Musik Anhören von Podcasts Anhören von Hörb

Time Capsule (Early 2009) - Support - Apple
Time Capsule (Early 2009) - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Time Capsule Setup Guide Contents 5 7 8 9 11 Chapter 1: Getting Started About Your Time Capsule About the AirPort Software What You Need to Get Started The Time Capsule Status Light 13 14 17 19 19 21 22 23 Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Time Capsule Using Your Time Capsule to Create Your Wireless Network Using AirPort Utility Creating a New Wireless Network Configuring and Sharing Internet Access Setting Advanced Options Allowing Wireless Clients to Access Your Network Without Entering a Passw

Final Cut Studio Workflows - AVC
Final Cut Studio Workflows - AVC
27/11/2014 -
Final Cut Studio Workflows Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Final Cut Studio software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services. The

Télécharger cet article en PDF - Kyocera
Télécharger cet article en PDF - Kyocera
30/01/2017 -
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE KYOCERA MITA FRANCE LANCE UNE NOUVELLE GAMME GAMME D IMPRIMANTES LASER COULEUR COULEUR Gif sur Yvette, Yvette, le 01 décembre décembre 2008  Kyocera Mita annonce trois nouvelles imprimantes laser couleur A4 : FS-C5100DN (21 ppm), FS-C5200DN (21 ppm) et FSC5300DN (26 ppm). Ces modèles sont spécialement conçus pour une utilisation professionnelle et destinés à être partagés dans le cadre de groupes de travail. Les imprimantes intègrent les fonctionnalités réseau...

ARCHOS annonce un accord de partenariat avec Paramount Digital ...
ARCHOS annonce un accord de partenariat avec Paramount Digital ...
16/03/2012 -
Information Presse Igny, le 22 avril 2008 ARCHOS annonce un accord de partenariat avec Paramount Digital Entertainment ARCHOS, leader sur le marché des baladeurs multimédia, et Paramount Digital Entertainment, annoncent un accord de partenariat mondial. Cet accord de partenariat se déclinera sous deux formes : la disponibilité au téléchargement depuis l'ARCHOS Média Club des films du catalogue Paramount Pictures sur son baladeur WiFi ARCHOS et la disponibilité de films pré-chargés sur...

WEEE - Logitech
WEEE - Logitech
05/12/2014 -
ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT 2012 END OF LIFE 4000 WEEE (WASTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) 3500 Tonne 3000 Logitech is committed to meeting the requirements of the European Union s WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive. 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 The WEEE directive aims to reduce the waste arising from electrical and electronic equipment, and improve the environmental performance of everything involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic...

Zone Wired Earbuds
Zone Wired Earbuds
12/09/2024 -
FICHE TECHNIQUE ZONE WIRED EARBUDS Pr?sentez-vous sous votre meilleur jour gr?ce aux Logitech? Zone Wired Earbuds. La technologie avanc?e et certifi?e du micro anti-parasite capture votre voix avec une clart? incomparable pour am?liorer les r?unions, et le son haute qualit? vous permet de rester concentr?, o? que vos travailliez. Les Zone Wired Earbuds sont compatibles avec la plupart des applications d'appels vid?o sur la majorit? des plateformes et syst?mes d'exploitation. Pourvus d'un design...

Lentele 5019 396 03738
Lentele 5019 396 03738
20/03/2015 -
Lentel Trumpa instrukcija PRIE` NAUDODAMI `. .RENGIN. PIRM KART ATID}IAI PERSKAITYKITE `. SPAR IrJr NUORODr VADOV IR SUMONTAVIMO INSTRUKCIJAS! (parink is apraaymus ~r. deainje) PROGRAMOS PASIRINKIMO MYGTUKAS Paspauskite mygtuk P  (kelis kartus), kol ekrane (P1...Px) bus rodomas pasirinktos programos numeris  ~r. toliau Programs lentel . MYGTUKAS PALEISTI / TSTI Paspausdami a/ mygtuk paleisite pasirinkt program. U~sidegs indikatorius, kuris u~ges programai...

IPL, 325 P4 X-series, 2001-02, Pruning Saw - Husqvarna
IPL, 325 P4 X-series, 2001-02, Pruning Saw - Husqvarna
18/07/2016 -
SERVICE 13 I0100045 IPL, 325 P4X-SERIES, 2001-02, 106 26 35-61 325P4X-SERIES Spare parts Ersatzteile Pièces détachées Reserve onderdelen Repuestos Reservdelar 106 26 35-61 A 2 537 13 66-01 1 537 13 65-01 2 3 537 11 88-01 (x4) 537 11 79-01 (x4) 537 12 03-01 537 11 78-01 537 11 81-01 537 11 82-01 537 12 07-01 537 11 80-01 537 11 95-01 537 11 92-01 537 11 81-01 537 11 97-01 537 11 91-01 537 12 04-01 537 12 16-01