Apple IIe - Support

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Apple IIe Owner's Manual

Chapter 1: Meet Your Apple IIe
Two words that get thrown around a lot in conversations about computers are hardware and software.
Hardware refers to the computer, the disk drive, the monitor, and any other piece of equipment you can see, touch, and connect to your computer. The individual hardware components that you attach to your computer are called peripheral devices (because they are peripheral to the computer itself). Peripheral device is a mouthful, so the expression is usually shortened to device or peripheral.
Software refers to the instructions, called programs, that tell the computer what to do. You can learn to write programs yourself, or you can buy programs ready-made on every subject from planning investments to keeping track of students' grades.
Programs are recorded on disks. That's why a disk drive is an indispensible part of your computer system it loads programs from disks into the computer, and it stores information on disks so you can retrieve it later.
In a few minutes you're going to use a program called Apple Presents the Apple IIe: An
Introduction to learn about the computer, but first you've got to get your computer system set up.
Already Set Up?
If you've already got your monitor and disk drive connected to your Apple IIe, you can skip directly to Chapter 2.

Setting Up Your Computer System
If you haven't done so already, unpack your computer and make sure you've got everything.
Plugging In the Power Cord
Before you even think about plugging anything into your Apple IIe, make sure the computer power switch is turned off. The power switch is in the right corner as you face the back of the machine.
Plug the power cable into the Apple IIe. Eventually you'll be plugging the other end of the power cord into a three-hole, grounded outlet, but as a safety precaution, leave it unplugged until you finish connecting peripheral devices to your Apple IIe.

Do not plug in your Apple IIe power cord until you've read the important safety instructions later in this chapter.

Your Apple IIe and its peripheral devices were FCC-certified under test conditions that include use of shielded cables and connectors between system components. It is important that you use shielded cables and connectors to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radio,
television, and other electronic devices.

Printed: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 10:40:15 AM

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