EC-Declaration of Conformity to the Essential ... - Logitech

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

AGY-700-001232 Rev.001

EC-Declaration of Conformity to the Essential Requirements of the applicable Directive 1999/5/EC
We, Logitech Ireland Services Limited, Ballincollig Cork Ireland, declare under our sole responsibility that the Radiocommunication product(s)
Brand Name:


Model Number Mice:


Is (are) fully in conformity with the essential requirements of the Council Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE).
This declaration is based on the full compliance of the product(s) with the following European standards:

EN 300328 V.1.6.1 (2004-11)


EN 301489-1 v1.6.1 (2005-09) & EN 301489-3 v1.4.1 (2002-08)

Electrical Safety: EN 60950-1: 2001 + A11 (2004)
Laser safety:

EN 60825-1 (1994) + A11 (1996) + A2 (2001)

Authorized Representative: LOGITECH IRELAND SERVICES LTD
Units 1 and 2 Westpoint Buildings
Westpoint Business Park
IE - CO. Cork


Cork, June 28 2007
Bernie Barber,
WW Director Environmental and Compliance programs

Logitech Document Number:

AGY-700-001232 Rev.001

Page 1/2

For Information: On the basis of this declaration, this (these) product(s) and the packaging will bear the following mark:

AGY-700-001232 Rev.001

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