AppleCare Protection Plan - Support

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Protection Plan for Apple TV
Getting Started Guide









AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV

Fact Sheet
Service and support from the people who know your Apple TV best
The AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV extends the complimentary coverage on your Apple
TV to up to two years* of world-class support. The plan provides access to Apple TV experts and gives you anytime access to web-based resources at or If your Apple TV or the included accessories need service,
Apple will repair or replace them.**
Coverage information
This comprehensive plan is available for all Apple TV models within their one-year limited warranty.
If you sell the covered Apple TV before the AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV expires, you may transfer the plan to the new owner.** For each Apple TV you want to cover, you must purchase a separate AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV.
Keep your Proof of Coverage document, the original Apple TV sales receipt, and the
AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV receipt. Apple may require proof of purchase if any questions arise about the eligibility of your Apple TV for AppleCare Protection Plan.
Technical support options
If you experience difficulties with your Apple TV, refer to the Quick Reference Guide for troubleshooting tips. If you are not able to resolve the issue, AppleCare representatives can help troubleshoot your
Apple TV, its connection with iTunes, and its connection to your television. Apple technical support contact information and hours of operation are listed in the Quick Reference Guide. Under the
AppleCare Protection Plan for Apple TV, Apple offers the same complete service for both Mac and
Windows users.



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