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Privacy Notice Japanese Jp
Privacy Notice Japanese Jp
09/10/2024 -
?g[?T0Q0?0?0?0?0k0J0Q0?P N?`?X1O?w0k??0Y0??w? 0S0S0g0o0HTC 0n??T?0~0_0o0?0?0?0?0k???#0Y0??g[?T0Q0?0?0?0?0kO40F`?X1O?T0k0J0Q0? HTC 0n0?0?0?0?0?0?ac?L0k0d 0D0f0?0??s0W0O??f0W0~0Y0HTC 0k0?0?N?,v?0j`?X10nS??0hQ?t0nac?L0k0d0D0f0o0HTC 0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?0?S?qg 0W0f0O0`0U0D0 P N?0?0?0n0?S??0W0fQ?t0Y0?tu10h0o? _ y>0n??T?0~0_0o0?0?0?0?0k0d0D0f0J[?i?0L??lB0?u30Wz?0f0?0U0?0?X4T0k00J[?i?0nP N?`?X10L0?0?0?0?0?0~0_0o0?0? 0?0?0?0k0f_ y>0kc?O?0U0?0?0S0h0L0B0?0~0Y00S0n`?X10k0o00_0h0H0p0J[?i?0nT RM00?0?0?0?0?0?0?0OOb@0???qujS?0 0?0?0?0?0n?XR%[P?0?0?0?0?0n IMEI 0?0?0?0?0?ujS?0j0i? 0O?0n??T?0?0?0?0?0?00?0?0?0?0?{?t0Y0?0_0??0Y0y0f0nu30Wz?0f0?V?S?0~0_0oT???0n{?t0?T+0?? ?? 0J[?i?0K0?0nu30Wz?0f0??UO?0W0f?ng?0Y0?0_0? ??...

HTC 10 User Guide O80
HTC 10 User Guide O80
08/10/2024 -
User guide HTC 10 2 Contents Contents What's new Android 8.0 9 Unboxing and setup HTC 10 11 Back panel 12 Card tray 12 nano SIM card 13 Storage card 15 Charging the battery 17 Switching the power on or off 17 Setting up HTC 10 for the first time 18 Adding your social networks, email accounts, and more 19

04/10/2024 -
To Business Partners Request of Understanding and Cooperation for Bribery Prevention Policy of Ricoh Group In the Ricoh Group CSR Charter we set that in order for the Ricoh Group to fully discharge its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) from a consistent global perspective, we must conduct our business with the proper social awareness, understanding and being compliant with both the letter and the spirit of national laws and the rules of international conduct. In light of the above policy and the global drive to tighten regulations against bribery, recently the Ricoh Group has newly established the Ricoh Group Standard for Bribery Prevention based on the Ricoh Group Code of Conduct. Guidance...

Grundig Haushaltsgeräte 2024
Grundig Haushaltsgeräte 2024
02/10/2024 -
Produktkatalog 2023  Haushaltsger?te Haushaltsger?te 2024 Mehr Informationen ?ber Grundig Haushaltsger?te finden Sie unter: Beko Switzerland GmbH Neuhofstrasse 12 6340 Baar Copyright by Beko Switzerland GmbH. Alle in diesem Dokument erw?hnten Produkt- oder Firmenbezeichnungen sind Marken ihrer jeweiligen Eigent?mer. Stand: Januar 2024 ? Irrt?mer und ?nderungen vorbehalten Grundig Familie 3 Grundig Universum 06 Bei uns ist das Thema Nachhaltigkeit fest in der Firmen-DNA verankert. Lesen Sie, wie wir diesen Megatrend be- und ausspielen. Our Business 28 Wir sind stolz darauf, wer wir sind und wie wir sind. Liebend gerne erm?glichen wir...

En US 7662308135 ENERGYLABELEU2021 7662308135 En US20220606 143450 224
En US 7662308135 ENERGYLABELEU2021 7662308135 En US20220606 143450 224
02/10/2024 -
EGS3100 7662308135 GRUNDIG 59 kWh 10 X 8,9 3:40 2019/2017 45dB L

En US 7662208177 ENERGYLABELEU2021 7662208177 En US20220906 105722 939
En US 7662208177 ENERGYLABELEU2021 7662208177 En US20220906 105722 939
02/10/2024 -
EGS7100 7662208177 GRUNDIG 50 kWh 16 X 9,9 3:59 2019/2017 44dB L

O237276v21 160992A38B 201603
O237276v21 160992A38B 201603
02/10/2024 - Page 1 Friday, June 24, 2016 9:17 AM SDS-clic 1 603 340 031, 2 608 000 638 Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH 70538 Stuttgart GERMANY 1 609 92A 38B (2016.03) O / 71 Page 2 Friday, June 24, 2016 9:11 AM 2| de en fr es pt it nl da sv no fi el tr pl cs sk hu Originalbetriebsanleitung Original instructions Notice originale Manual original Manual original Istruzioni originali Oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzing Original brugsanvisning Bruksanvisning i original Original driftsinstruks Alkuper?iset ohjeet ????????n n?????- ?????? Orijinal i_letme talimat1 Instrukcja oryginalna Povodn? n?vod k pou~?v?n? P?vodn? n?vod...

Privacy Notice Deu De
Privacy Notice Deu De
02/10/2024 -
Datenschutzerkl?rung f? r den Kundendienst Im Folgenden werden die Datenschutzpraktiken von HTC in Bezug auf die Kommunikation mit dem Kundendienst im Zusammenhang mit den Produkten oder Dienstleistungen von HTC n?her beschrieben. Informationen ?ber die allgemeine Informationserfassung und die Verfahrenspraktiken von HTC finden Sie in der HTC Datenschutzrichtlinie. Warum erheben und verarbeiten wir personenbezogene Daten? Wenn Sie eine Anfrage oder einen Anspruch in Bezug auf unsere Produkte oder Dienstleistungen stellen, k?nnen Sie uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten online und offline zur Verf?gung stellen, einschlie? lich beispielsweise Ihres Namens, Ihrer E-Mail Adresse, Ihrer Anschrift, Ihrer...

Sbsf Bilan Carbone Simplifie
Sbsf Bilan Carbone Simplifie
30/09/2024 -
Empreinte carbone simplifi?e SBSF (P?rim?tre certification ISO 14001) Emissions directes de GES Emissions directes des sources fixes de combustion - Consommation de gaz Emissions directes des sources mobile ? moteur thermique - Consommation parc auto Sous total 1 Emissions indirectes associ?es ? l'?nergie Emissions indirectes li?es ? la consommation d'?lectricit? Sous total 2 Autres ?missions indirectes de GES D?placements professionnels - Train D?placements professionnels - Avion D?placements professionnels - Location auto Sous total 3 Total des emissions de carbone Progression par rapport ? l'ann?e de r?f?rence en % R?f?rences Ademe Auto : 2,67 kg de CO2 par litre de gasoil consomm? / 2,21...

Guide De Réglage Simplygo Mini Hd Def
Guide De Réglage Simplygo Mini Hd Def
30/09/2024 -
3 Instructions 4 R?glages 1. Connexion d'une canule nasale ? une sortie d'oxyg?ne " Connexion d'une canule nasale (1) " Placez la canule nasale et respirez normalement par le nez (2). " ?teignez l'appareil en appuyant sur . Lorsqu'un ?cran de confirmation s'affiche, appuyez une seconde fois pour ?teindre l'appareil. Remarque : Si vous n'appuyez pas une seconde fois sur le bouton d'alimentation, l'?cran d'accueil s'affiche ? 3. Visualiser le nombre d'heures d'utilisation du SimplyGo mini : 2 " Mettez l'appareil sous tension comme d?crit dans la section suivante. " Appuyez une fois sur le bouton marche/ arr?t, le nombre d'heure d'utilisation apparait alors sur l'?cran d'accueil (heure...

Alcatel Phone Temporis 10 Mode Emploi Fr
Alcatel Phone Temporis 10 Mode Emploi Fr
30/09/2024 -
?? Le t?l?phone ne sonne pas 4 V?rifier que la sonnerie n'est pas coup?e (voir R?gler le volume de sonnerie ). ?? Le correspondant n'est pas audible 4 V?rifier qu'un autre poste de l'installation n'est pas d?croch? en parall?le. 6. ?? ?? ?? Attention, la tension du r?seau est class?e dangereuse selon les crit?res de la m?me norme. Temp?rature de fonctionnement : de 5 ? 40 ?C. GARANTIE Vous ?tes pri?s lire attentivement le guide d'utilisation inclus dans ce Temporis 10 est de un ?quipement agr?? conform?ment ? la r?glementation coffret. europ?enne, attest? par le marquage CE. Le produit Temporis 10 est un ?quipement agr?? conform?ment ? la Vous b?n?ficiez d'une garantie sur ce produit r?glementation europ?enne, attest?l?gale par...

Doc Alcateltemporis180 May2021
Doc Alcateltemporis180 May2021
30/09/2024 -

Alcatel Phone Temporis 180 Mode Emploi Fr
Alcatel Phone Temporis 180 Mode Emploi Fr
30/09/2024 -
A noter : vous disposez d'une garantie l?gale sur ce produit conform?ment ? la r?glementation applicable ? la vente des biens de consommation dans le pays dans lequel vous avez effectu? cet achat. Pour toute information relative ? cette garantie l?gale, veuillez vous adresser ? votre revendeur. Sans pr?judice de la garantie l?gale dont les produits b?n?ficient, ATLINKS Europe dont le si?ge social est situ? 22 ,quai Gallieni 92150 Suresnes, France garantit que le produit figurant dans le pr?sent coffret est conforme ? ses sp?cifications techniques figurant dans le guide d'utilisation inclus dans le pr?sent coffret, et ce pendant une p?riode de garantie, compt?e ? partir de la date d'achat du...

30/09/2024 -
Temporis 180 La simplicit? sur toute la ligne ! Wall mounting " Appels entrants faciles ? visualiser gr?ce au t?moin lumineux " Indicateur visuel de messages compatible avec la messagerie du PABX * " Position murale pour s'adapter aux besoins de chaque entreprise Rappel du dernier num?ro compos? Indicateur visuel pour les appels entrants Alcatel Temporis 180 CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES FONCTIONS PRINCIPALES " " " " " " " " Augmentation du volume sonore dans l'?couteur 5 niveaux Indicateur visuel de message en attente T?moin lumineux des appels entrants Nombre de sonneries : 2 Niveaux de sonneries : 3 Rappel du dernier num?ro compos? (Bis) Touche secret Touche d'acc?s direct...

Barracuda 7200 12 Ds1668 6 1101us
Barracuda 7200 12 Ds1668 6 1101us
29/09/2024 -
Data Sheet Barracuda 7200.12 ? Performance and reliability for everyone 1TB, 750GB, 500GB, 320GB, 250GB, 160GB " 7200 RPM " SATA 6Gb/s with NCQ Key Advantages " Seagate? technology leadership now yields the industry's first one-disk 500GB and two-disk 1TB hard drives simultaneously lowering storage costs and improving performance. " Now delivering predicted failure rates of 0.34%, the Barracuda 7200.12 hard drive continues to provide industry-leading reliability. " Produced in the most sophisticated and automated manufacturing process in the hard drive industry, customers can feel confident that Barracuda 7200.12 hard drives will deliver the same rock-solid performance and reliability...

Desktop Hdd 8tbds1770 9 1603us En Us
Desktop Hdd 8tbds1770 9 1603us En Us
29/09/2024 -
Data Sheet The Power of One Seagate brings over 30 years of trusted performance and reliability to the Seagate? Desktop HDDs now available in capacities up to 8TB Increase your capacity and drive down costs with up to 1.33TB-perdisk hard drive technology SATA 6Gb/s interface optimizes burst performance Seagate AcuTrac!" servo technology delivers dependable performance Free DiscWizard!" software enables high capacities on legacy PC BIOS systems Seagate Secure!" models provide hardware-based data security and deliver an Instant Secure Erase feature for safe, fast and easy drive retirement1 Seagate Secure models meet the NIST 800-88 media sanitization specification and also support the Trusted...

Barracuda Data Sheet Ds1737.1 1111us
Barracuda Data Sheet Ds1737.1 1111us
29/09/2024 -
Data Sheet Barracuda ? The Power of One Key Advantages " Double your capacity and drive down costs with the industry's first 1TB-per-disk hard drive technology. " Up to 3TB capacity with 7200-RPM performance. Why compromise? " SATA 6Gb/s interface optimizes burst performance " Seagate AcuTrac!" servo technology delivers dependable performance, even with hard drive track widths of only 75 nanometers. " Seagate OptiCache!" technology boosts overall performance by as much as 45% over the previous generation. " Seagate SmartAlign!" technology provides a simple, transparent migration to Advanced Format 4K sectors. " Free Seagate DiscWizard!" software allows you to install a 3TB hard drive...

3 5 BarracudaDS1900 14 2007FR Fr FR
3 5 BarracudaDS1900 14 2007FR Fr FR
29/09/2024 -
FICHE TECHNIQUE DU DISQUE DUR 3,5 POUCES Une polyvalence exceptionnelle. Une fiabilit? in?gal?e. Les disques durs Seagate? BarraCuda? 3,5 pouces (dont la capacit? peut atteindre 8 To) int?grent les performances et la fiabilit? dont font preuve les produits Seagate depuis plus de 20 ans. Principaux avantages Ces disques durs polyvalents, adapt?s ? tous vos besoins informatiques, mettent entre vos mains le nec plus ultra de l'informatique personnelle. Depuis plus de 20 ans, la gamme des disques BarraCuda propose un stockage d'une fiabilit? ? toute ?preuve. Domaines d'application recommand?s PC de bureau ou tout-en-un Serveurs domestiques Dispositifs de stockage ? connexion directe (DAS) d'entr?e de...

29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD SATA Product Manual Standard model Self-Encrypting Drive model ST5000DM000 ST5000DM001 100743772, Rev. D Gen 15 - Septembar 2015 Document Revision History Revision Date Description of Change Rev. A 01/27/2014 Initial release. Rev. B 05/27/2014 2-3, 5, 9, 11-19 & 28. Rev. C 09/19/2014 3 & 6. Rev. D 09/01/2015 Revised Rated Workload statement (page 8) ? 2015 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Publication number: 100743772, Rev. D Septembar 2015 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Swirl logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Desktop HDD and SeaTools are either trademarks or registered trademarks...

Desktop Hdd Ds1770 6 1507us
Desktop Hdd Ds1770 6 1507us
29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD Data Sheet The Power of One " Seagate brings over 30 years of trusted performance and reliability to the new Seagate? Desktop HDDs now available in capacities up to 6TB. " Increase your capacity and drive down costs with up to 1TB-per-disk hard drive technology. " SATA 6Gb/s interface optimizes burst performance " Seagate AcuTrac!" servo technology delivers dependable performance. " Free DiscWizard!" software enables high capacities on legacy PC BIOS systems. " Seagate Secure!" models provide hardware-based data security and deliver an Instant Secure Erase feature for safe, fast and easy drive retirement.1 " Seagate Secure models meet the NIST 800-88 media sanitization specification and...

Desktop HddDS1770 6 1507US En US
Desktop HddDS1770 6 1507US En US
29/09/2024 -
Data Sheet The Power of One Seagate brings over 30 years of trusted performance and reliability to the new Seagate? Desktop HDDs now available in capacities up to 6TB Increase your capacity and drive down costs with up to 1TB-perdisk hard drive technology SATA 6Gb/s interface optimizes burst performance Seagate AcuTrac!" servo technology delivers dependable performance Free DiscWizard!" software enables high capacities on legacy PC BIOS systems Seagate Secure!" models provide hardware-based data security and deliver an Instant Secure Erase feature for safe, fast and easy drive retirement1 Seagate Secure models meet the NIST 800-88 media sanitization specification and also support the Trusted...

29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD SATA Product Manual ST4000DM000 ST3000DM003 100799391, Rev. E Gen 15 - May 2019 Document Revision History Revision Date Description of Change Rev. A 03/24/2016 Initial release. Rev. B 05/03/2016 15: Updated Section 2.13.2 Electromagnetic compatibility Rev. C 01/29/2018 16-20: Updated Section 2.13 through 2.15 per Compliance Council 22: Changed fastener penetration depth to 0.140 in. in text and mechanical drawings Rev. D 04/12/2018 16: Added Regulatory Model Number Rev. E 05/28/2019 6: Removed TGMR bullet 20: Updated Table 6 Taiwan - Restricted Substances bc: Removed APAC & EMEA addresses

Barracuda Ds1737 1 1111fr
Barracuda Ds1737 1 1111fr
29/09/2024 -
Fiche technique Barracuda ? Le pouvoir d'un disque Principaux avantages " D  oublez votre capacit? et r?duisez les co?ts gr?ce ? la premi?re technologie de disque dur de 1 To par disque du secteur. " C  apacit? allant jusqu'? 3 To avec une performance de 7 200 tr/min. Pourquoi faire un compromis ? " L'interface SATA 6Gbits/s acc?l?re les taux de transfert des donn?es. " L  a technologie d'asservissement AcuTrac!" de Seagate offre des performances fiables, m?me avec des largeurs de pistes de disque de 75 nanom?tres seulement. " L  a technologie OptiCache!" de Seagate am?liore les performances globales de l'ordre de 45 % par rapport ? la g?n?ration pr?c?dente. " L  a technologie...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.11 Serial ATA ST31500341AS ST31000333AS ST3640323AS ST3640623AS ST3320613AS ST3320813AS ST3160813AS 100507013 Rev. E December 2008 Revision history Revision Date Sheets affected or comments Rev A Rev. B Rev. C Rev. D Rev. E 06/17/08 06/25/08 07/15/08 10/17/08 12/12/08 Initial release 4 and 6. fc, 1, 3-6, 8-11, 13-15, 17, 21,25-26, 28 and 30. 5, 7, 9, 18, 20 and 35-36. 22. Copyright ? 2008 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Publication number: 100507013, Rev. E, December 2008 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda,...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.11 Serial ATA ST31000340AS ST3640330AS ST31000640AS ST3640630AS ST3750330AS ST3500320AS ST3750630AS ST3500620AS ST3500820AS 100452348 Rev. G January 2009 Revision history Revision Date Sheets affected or comments Rev. A Rev. B Rev. C Rev. D Rev. E Rev. F Rev. G 08/30/07 11/12/07 01/18/08 02/21/08 05/14/08 10/21/08 01/08/09 Initial release. 4-7, 9, 11, 15 & 21.

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.10 Serial ATA ST3750640AS ST3250410AS ST3750840AS ST3250310AS ST3500630AS ST3200820AS ST3500830AS ST3160815AS ST3400620AS ST3160310AS ST3400820AS ST3160215AS ST3320620AS ST3120815AS ST3320820AS ST3120215AS ST3300620AS ST380815AS ST3300820AS ST380215AS ST3250620AS ST340815AS ST3250820AS

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.10 PATA ? ST3750840A ST3750640A ST3500830A ST3500630A ST3400820A ST3400620A ST3320820A ST3320620A ST3300820A ST3300620A ST3250820A ST3250620A ST3200820A 100402369 Rev. F August 2007 ST3160815A ST3160215A ST3120815A ST3120215A ST380815A ST380215A ST340815A ST340215A ?2006-2007, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved. Publication number: 100402369, Rev. F August 2007 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, SeaTools and SeaTDD are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.9 Serial ATA ? ST3160811AS ST3160211AS ST3120811AS ST3120211AS ST380811AS ST380211AS ST340211AS 100417177 Rev. C August 2007 ?2006-2007, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved. Publication number: 100417177, Rev. C August 2007 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, SeaTools and SeaTDD are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One gigabyte, or...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.9 PATA ? ST3500841A ST3500641A ST3400833A ST3400633A ST3320833A ST3320633A ST3300822A ST3300622A ST3250824A ST3250624A 100389997 Rev. F August 2007 ST3200827A ST3160812A ST3160212A ST3120814A ST3120213A ST3802110A ST3402111A ?2006-2007, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved. Publication number: 100389997, Rev. F August 2007 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, SeaTools and SeaTDD are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.8 Serial ATA ST3400832AS ST3400632AS ST3300831AS ST3300631AS ST3250823AS ST3250623AS ST3200826AS 100325576 Rev. F August 2007 ?2006-2007, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved. Publication number: 100325576, Rev. F August 2007 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, SeaTools and SeaTDD are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One gigabyte, or...

29/09/2024 -
Product Manual Barracuda 7200.8 PATA ST3400832A ST3400632A ST3300831A ST3300631A ST3250823A ST3250623A ST3200826A 100323825 Rev. F August 2007 ?2006-2007, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved. Publication number: 100323825, Rev. F August 2007 Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Barracuda, SeaTools and SeaTDD are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One gigabyte, or GB, equals...

29/09/2024 -
Barracuda 7200.7 Serial ATA ST3200822AS ST3160827AS ST3160023AS ST3160021AS ST3120827AS ST3120026AS ST3120022AS ST380817AS ST380013AS ST380011AS ST340111AS ST340014AS Barracuda 7200.7 Serial ATA ST3200822AS ST3160827AS ST3160023AS ST3160021AS ST3120827AS ST3120026AS ST3120022AS ST380817AS ST380013AS ST380011AS ST340111AS ST340014AS ?2003 2004 2005 Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved Publication number: 100270024, Rev. N September 2005 Seagate and Seagate Technology are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. SeaTools, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, SeaTDD, and the Wave logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. Other product names are registered...

29/09/2024 -
Users Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3160023A ST3120026A ST380013A Barracuda 7200.7 ST3160021A ST3120022A ST380011A ST360014A ST340014A Users Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3160023A ST3120026A ST380013A Barracuda 7200.7 ST3160021A ST3120022A ST380011A ST360014A ST340014A ?2003, Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved Publication number: 100286645, Rev. E December 2003 Seagate, Seagate Technology, and the Seagate logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. SeaTools, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, and SeaTDD are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their owners. Seagate reserves the right to change,...

29/09/2024 -
Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3200822A ST3200021A Barracuda 7200.7 ST3160023A ST3160021A ST3120026A ST3120022A ST380013A ST380011A ST340014A Barracuda 7200.7 Plus ST3200822A ST3200021A Barracuda 7200.7 ST3160023A ST3160021A ST3120026A ST3120022A ST380013A ST380011A ST340014A ?2003, 2004, 2005 Seagate Technology LLC All rights reserved Publication number: 100217279, Rev. N September 2005 Seagate and Seagate Technology are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. SeaTools, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, SeaTDD, and the Wave logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC. Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their owners. Seagate reserves the...

29/09/2024 -
.......................................... Barracuda 5400.1 Family .......................................... ST340015A .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... Ultra ATA Interface Drives .......................................... Product Manual .......................................... ....................................... Barracuda 5400.1 Family ....................................... ST340015A ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... Ultra ATA Interface Drives ....................................... Product Manual ....................................... ?...

Cuda5400 20 Pm
Cuda5400 20 Pm
29/09/2024 -
.......................................... Barracuda 5400.1 Family .......................................... ST320015A .......................................... .......................................... Ultra ATA Interface Drives .......................................... Product Manual .......................................... ........................................ Barracuda 5400.1 Family ........................................ ST320015A ........................................ ........................................ Ultra ATA Interface Drives ........................................ Product Manual ........................................ ?2002-2003 Seagate Technology LLC...

29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD Product Manual Standard models ST1000DM003 ST500DM002 100768625, Rev. G November 2017 Document Revision History Revision Date Rev. A 08/17/2015 Initial release. Rev. B 09/01/2015 7 & 15: Revised Rated Workload statement 10/20/2015 4: Updated Support URL's 6 & 9: Height changed to 20.0mm & Weight to 415g 7: Op & Non-Op shock, Acoustic Idle max & Updated Warranty link text 10: Conducted noise & DC power edits 13: Op & Non-Op shock 14: Acoustic Idle max 15: Updated Warranty link text 19: Added bullet - Two base plate assembly options available (see drawings below)  19-20: Corrected fastener depth penetration (0.14 max...) in mechanical drawings 05/18/2016 6-7 & 12: Temperature...

29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD SATA Product Manual ST8000DM002 ST6000DM001 ST5000DM002 ST4000DM000 100782401, Rev. D Gen 17 - May 2016 Document Revision History Revision Date Pages affected and Description of changes Rev. A 07/29/2015 Initial release. Rev. B 09/02/2015 7: Revised Rated Workload statement Rev. C fc, 5-14 & 24: Added 8TB Model and specs 4: Updated Support URL's} 7 & 15: Updated Warranty link text 8: Recording & Interface Technology table updates 11/23/2015 9: Seek time edits 10: DC power table edits 12: Ambient Temperature edits 18-19: Temperature checkpoint & 60C max added to mech drawings & 0.14 max penetration depth text Rev. D 6 & 12: Added ambient  to operating temperature min...

29/09/2024 -
Desktop HDD Product Manual Standard models Self-Encryption models ST3000DM001 ST2000DM001 ST1000DM003 ST500DM002 ST320DM000 ST250DM000 ST3000DM002 ST2000DM002 ST1000DM004 100686584, Rev. AA May 2019 Document Revision History Revision Date Rev. A 08/19/2011 Initial release. Description of Change Rev. B 09/01/2011 Updated decibel specifications, start/stop times; Table 3; mounting drawing. Rev. C 10/20/2011 Updated voltage tolerance specifications. Rev. D 01/17/2012

Ma Ews White Paper 4522 991 56282
Ma Ews White Paper 4522 991 56282
29/09/2024 -
Hospitalisation conventionnelle Informations cl?s Impact des syst?mes de score d'alerte pr?coce : meilleurs r?sultats en mati?re de sant?, diminution du co?t de la prise en charge et meilleure exp?rience pour le patient, sa famille et le personnel Besoins non satisfaits et solutions : r?ponse au probl?me de la d?t?rioration de l'?tat du patient ?valuation du probl?me de la d?gradation de l'?tat du patient La d?t?rioration de l'?tat des patients entra?ne une charge clinique et financi?re importante pour les patients, les ?tablissements hospitaliers et les syst?mes de sant?2 (Figure 1). Les cliniciens doivent prendre en charge des populations plus ?g?es, pr?sentant davantage de pathologies...

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